Segway Tours


Sustainability is at the core of our operations

Mission statement

The Rendezvous Company is committed to striving to provide innovative and interesting tours that give our guests value for money whilst catering to a wide demographic in a safe and professional manner.

We strive to provide good and equitable working conditions for all Employees and Tour Guides; ensuring on-going training and support.

We work closely with our suppliers to translate our core values and mission to ensure they are also focused on the same ideals.

We aim to work closely with local communities in a sustainable manner to ensure income and benefits for all.


We at The Rendezvous Company are aware of our environmental and social responsibilities especially within an industry that heavily relies on natural resources. Our goal is to ensure a sustained environment that benefits nature and human kind. We believe that our responsibility to sustainability lies within all of our corporate aspects and will make every effort to conserve natural resources and ensure the efficacy of human resources.

The Rendezvous Company aims to meet all legal standards and environmental laws and where possible go beyond the minimum required standard. We aim to be at the forefront of environmental policy and will encourage our partners to uphold similar standards.

The natural resources of Antigua and Barbuda are the pillars of our organisation and our growth depends on its preservation.


Providing a safe and healthful working environment.
Extended benefits and employee training.
Conservation of resources by reusing and recycling.
Reduction in usage of single use items and packaging.
Reduction in plastic use and other non-biodegradable materials.
Responsible use and conservation of water.
Responsible use of energy.
Fostering environmentally sustainable culture with partners and employees through education.
Conducting rigorous audits, evaluations and self-assessments of the implementation of this policy.
Assisting suppliers in promoting sound environmental practices.
Using processes professionally and personally that do not adversely affect the environment.
Enhancing awareness among guests educating and motivating them to act in an environmentally responsible manner.
Encouraging environmental responsibility within our industry and community.

Senior personal statement

The Rendezvous Company was started with the intention of showcasing and sharing the natural beauty and culture of Antigua and Barbuda. However, with the increase of leisurely travel and other uncontrolled human activity, the importance of preserving both natural and human resources have become imperative as these are the life blood of the tourism industry. It is impossible to ignore our environmental impact and as such we will maintain the policies and procedures mentioned here in. As the directors of The Rendezvous Company we feel it is crucial for every member of the organisation to play their part. We will develop guidelines for staff that encourages the adoption of sound environmental work practices with adequate training and education, while ensuring that working conditions are safe and equitable.

We will use reasonable endeavours to reuse and recycle and promote the efficient use of energy, water and safe waste disposal. We will use all equitable endeavours to contribute to the education and encouraged environmental responsibility of our partners and suppliers, maintaining an open dialogue that brings awareness of the importance of the preservation of natural and cultural resources.

Neil Keeling

Renewal date

The core of the sustainability policy is its continuous review and assessment. The policy herein will be reviewed annually to ensure its relevancy and efficiency. Policies will be added or adjusted as necessary to ensure the documents relevancy. Any further necessary adjustments brought to light by internal and external auditing will be added or detracted accordingly. Policy will be reviewed at June 2024.